Your Way to Failure

Lulwah Alduhami
2 min readJul 2, 2020
Photo by Sarah Kilian on Unsplash

This piece is brought to you as a result of many trials and errors, so it’s righteously proven.

Caught your attention yet?

I hope it’s a yes.

Success is always linked to 3 things:
Productivity, Great Ideas, Execution, and I will add Authenticity.

So how can you still fail when you got this recipe all figured?

Alright, let’s dissect this together.

1- The curse of productivity:

What does it mean to be productive? it’s definitely not getting obsessed with crossing as much as possible tasks off of your to-do list. In the long term, this obsession, if not maintained, will transform you into a restless person. Restlessness will take off your balance and peace of mind and that results in hardship in concentration and decision making.

Remember, being productive means doing one thing at a time to take off that task of your to-do list. Don’t fall for the mental appeal of multitasking.

2- The chicken and the egg debate:

Hence the “Execution” and the “great ideas”, yet “ideas” come first, but overbuilding them to be “great” before moving forward to execution kills them badly.

No idea will ever be ready enough, so put your not-very-mature idea into action and keep building and testing along the way. You may pivot and this pivoting will be lean and easy with less cost.

For instance, you don’t need to have a full visual brand kit from the beginning to be a fashion designer.

You don’t need to have all your digital channels set up from the start but the only main channel you’re going to offer the value by and reach the primary initial audience.

3- “I wish I’m cool like that really really cool person. My manager wishes that I’m cool like that person. I wish my teammate is as cool as that other person, then we will be cool like that company.”

Yay! You reached the rocking point of failure. Please, get rid of that destructive mindset, firstly, by being honest and admitting that all of us had that thought.

I know you are not gonna imitate that person yet you’re going to look for ways to be perceived as cool.

The thing is doing things you don’t believe from the bottom of your heart -no matter how enormous the effort you put- will always come out off, the shining won’t feel bright enough, and believe me, that energy can be felt.

Only do things when you believe in them; when they reflect the authenticity, values, knowledge, and experience in you, and never compare yourself to others; this kind of comparison will eventually find its way to play with your sense of self-worth. Keep learning and aspire to achieve your own highest potentials, every day.



Lulwah Alduhami

Here to disrupt. I dig #startups, #customer_experience design, #Arts, and everything related.